my experience with menstrual cups ☕

One word: life-changing.
I'd been using pads like most Indian females since I started my period and I used to hate getting my period until I came across the concept of tampons and I was intrigued. I decided to try a tampon once I finally found an affordable one online, around 4-5 years ago. Now they are quite readily available and lots of Indian brands make them. This one came with an applicator and boy, those ones are useless!! 

Especially if you're a beginner. All you need is the knowledge of where your vagina, anus, and urethra are located and you're good to go. And well, also the willingness to briefly get your fingers dirty with blood. 💀 And for those of you who may not know, period blood comes from the vagina and you've gotta insert your tampons or cups in there.

So I used tampons for about a year or two, and I was very satisfied and preferred it over using pads.  until I finally gathered the courage to try out cups. The first menstrual cup that I bought cost me around 800 INR.
Now learning how to properly insert it was highly, highly daunting to the point, that it made me cry as well. And I ain't kidding. Despite watching tons of videos on YouTube on how to insert them, I was finally able to get it right after several minutes of diligent trying and crying.

Once you learn how to properly insert a menstrual cup, I swear and I am not exaggerating, your life changes drastically for the better! You don't even feel as if you're on your period and there is also no subconscious fear of accidently getting TSS. You can leave a cup in your body for longer than 10 or 12 hours (which is the minimum time duration for taking it out to wash it and re-insert it back into your body) and it will be fine!! Although I wouldn't recommend doing it, I have been lazy numerous times myself, and I have left the cup in my body for longer than 12 hours, more times than I'd like to admit, but yeah. It makes your period a truly blissful experience. :)

My first cup lasted me for about 1.5 years I think until I accidentally let it slip from my hand into the commode when I was taking it out to wash it. And I would call it good riddance because I was frustrated with its small stem at the bottom, which was, to be honest, the only bad part about using a cup after I'd finally learned how to insert it.

This encouraged me to purchase another one and this time this cup cost me about 300 INR, and I made sure that I chose one with a long enough stem, and it has made my period days blissful to the maximum. I can now confidently say that my period days are 100% like any other day, and I am also one of those gifted females who don't experience painful periods. But I do suffer the emotional/mental effects of PMS so it isn't fully rosy for me either! 😂

So here are my final pointers, if you're willing to try out a menstrual cup:
  1. do your research on the kind of cup you would like based on your flow, preference, etc, and buy it from a well-reputed company that has sold enough of those (for eg: check out Amazon reviews) and make sure it is an environment-friendly brand, as our main goal of using cups is to reduce waste production in a cost-effective way. The cup has to ideally be made of silicone.
  2. watch enough YouTube tutorials on how to insert a cup, and how to use and maintain it without causing any infections. I just boil mine for 12-15 minutes before and after the end of my cycle.
  3. buy a cup with a long stem. I cannot stress this enough. it will be easier for you during removal.
  4. If you have only used pads before, I would suggest that you first start using tampons and let yourself get used to inserting things down there during your period. And after a couple of months, you can try using the cup. 
  5. Remember to relax, and take deep breaths before inserting.
That's all, these were my two cents; don't stress and enjoy life (try, lol). 💗
